Rule 2&3: Serving employees/pensioners whose where abuts are not known.

Rule 3(1): The portion of the pension to be commuted should consist of whole rupee.

Rule 4: Government servants transferred from services and posts to which these rules do not apply.

Rule 5: Regulation of claims to pension or family pension.

Rule 5(b): The day on which a Government servant retired or is discharged or is allowed to resign or

Voluntarily retire from service.

Rule 6: Full pension subjected to approved service

Rule 7(1): A Government servant shall not earn two pensions in the same service or post.

Rule 8: Pension subjected to future good conduct.

Rule 9: Government has the right to withhold or withdrawn pension of Retired Government servant.

Rule 9 sub(5):Withhold or Withdrawn of pension. Rule 10 commercial employments after retirement.

Rule 10: Commercial employment after retirement.

Rule 11: Restriction on practice in commercial Tax and other cases after retirement.

Rule 12: Action to be taken to withhold or impose a cut in pension after forwarding the pension papers.

Rule 13: Qualifying service of a Government servant shall commence from the date he takes charge of the post

to which he is first appointment.

Rule 14(1): The service of a Government servant shall not qualify unless his duties and pay are regulated by

the Government .

Rule 15: Counting of service rendered under central Government.

Rule 16: Service as an apprentice shall not qualify for pension.

Rule 17: Counting of service on contract.

Rule 18: Counting of pre-retirement civil service in the case of re-employed Government servants.

Rule 22: counting of periods spent on training.

Rule 23: Counting of periods of suspension. *The period of being under suspension not treated as duty.

Rule 24: Forfeiture of service on dismissal or removal.

Rule 26: Government servant resigned and joined another post in same Government-Consequential benefits in

matter of pay fixation.

Rule27: Effect of interruption in service *The pension sanctioning authority may by order ,commute

Retrospectively the periods of absence without leave extradinary leave.

Rule 28: The condonation of interruption in service is to be regulated as per this rule.

Rule 29: Addition to qualifying service.

Rule 30: Verification of qualifying service after 25 years of service.

Rule 31:The expression “Emoluments” means pay as defined in the Fundamental rules.

Rule 31 Note-5:Pay drawn by a Government servant in a tenure appointment shall not be treated as


Rule 32: Average Emoluments shall be determined with reference to the emoluments drawn by a Government

servant during the last ten months of his service.

Rule 33: Super annuation pension.

Rule 34: Retiring pension

Rule 35: Pension on absorption or under a corporation 'company or body.

Rule 36: Conditions governing grant of pension to persons on absorption in or under a corporation 'company or


Rule 37: Invalid pension.

Rule 38: Compensation pension.

Rue 39: Compulsory retirement pension.

Rule 40: Compassionate Allowance.

Rule 42: Every Government servant to whom these rules apply shall compulsorily retire on attaining the age of superannuation.

Rule 43: The conditions for opting to seek retirement voluntarily.

Rule 44: At any time after a Government servant has completed 33 years of qualifying service but before Attaining 58 years of age.

Rule 45(4): The service pension of family pension should be rounded off to the next higher rupee.

Rule 46: Payment of interest on gratuity.

Rule 48: Lapse of retirement Gratuity.

Rule 49(i):T he Government servant has a family , the nomination shall not be in favour of any person or other Persons other than the members of his family.

Rule 49(ii): The government servant has no family, the nomination may be made in favour of a person or Persons, or body of individuals, whether in corporate or not.

Rule 50: Family pension.

Rule 50 (3) (a)(i):The sanction of enhanced family pension.

Rule 50(6) (a)(i):The family pension shall be paid to both widows in equal shares.

Rule U/R 50 13(v): payment of family pension admissible in respect of physically handicapped children.

Rule U/R 50 13(vi): Family pension is not admissible to the second Wife

Rule U/R 50 13(vii): Admissibility of family pension to the children of a divorced wife.

Rule U/R 50 13(viii): Divorce is not legal separation.

Rule 51: The sanction of Anticipatory pension.

Rule 52: The subject of sanction of provisional pension.

Rule 53: Interpretation.

Rule 54:Power to relax.

Rule 57: Amount of pension.

Rule 58: Retirement Gratuity.

Rule 58(b):If a Government servant dies in service after completing 5 years qualifying service, the amount of retirement gratuity shall be equal to 12 times of his emoluments or the amount determined.

Rule 59: Family pension.

Pension Formula:

Service pension = 𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑓 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 66 x Last pay drawn

Enhanced Family pension=Last pay drawn x 50/100

Normal Family pension=Last pay drawn x30/100

commutated pension=Last pay drawn x40/100

Anticipatory pension=Last pay drawn x 33 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐻𝑎𝑙𝑓 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠

Gratuity=Last pay drawn x ¼ x Service in Half years.

Types of Pensions:

1).Super Annuation:On Attaing the Retairment(58 or 60) fixed by Government -Rule 33 and 42

2).Invalid Pension:on account of Physically or mental infirmity is permanently incapacitated for the public

service on production of Medical certificate issued by the competent medical board-Rule 37

3).Retiring Pension:When an employee opted voluntary retirement (after completion of 20 years service)-Rule 34,43 and 44

4).Comoensation Pension:This pendion is granted when a government servant who is selected from discharge from service owing to abolition of permanent post unless he appointed in another post or he is transferred to another establishment even as a lower pay and accepts this appointment or transfer.-Rule 38

5).Family pension: when a Government servant dies while service or after retirement, the family shall be eligible for Family pension.-Rule 50.


*The pay bill register of an office of financial years should be preserved 5 years.

*All Government Cheques issued are valid for payment within 3 months from the date issue.

*The commutation table will facilitate the fixation of lump sum payment Commutated value of pension.

*The number of years of maximum service to be added s weightage to bridge the gap between the actual Qualifying service and the maximum of 33 years as of now is 5 years

*Invalid pension sanctioned to an employee Who is certified medically unfit for further duty.

*Qualifying service eligible for pension of an employee retired from service after putting in just 5 years of

Service 10 years.

*A Government employee died in service leaving behind the wholly dependent father, he is eligible for Family

Pension and Gratuity.

*A widowed daughter of a pensioner whose wife had predeceased him is eligible for sanction of Family


*A retired employee pending sanction of the pensioner benefits , without a valid nomination. The DCRG is

payable All family members in equal shares.

*A Government employee whose wife predeceased him has left behind the following family members. The

family pension is eligible for sanction to Dependent son age 19 years.

*Commuted value of pension is payable to in the event of death of employee Wife the nominee for pensioner


*When an employee dismissed from service applied for sanction of service pension eligible 2/3rds of service

Pension eligible.

*The finance commission of India comprises of Four Members & chairman.

*The contingency fund is meant for use by the state In unforeseen & emergency conditions.

*The C.A.G is appointed by The president of India

*Permanent advance of a unit office of a Dept in a Mandal is sanctioned by The Government.

*Appropriation Act of a state is issued after the assent of the Governor of the state.

*Festival advance of a Government servant is sanctioned on requisition Once in a calendar year.

*All cases of misappropriation of Government funds are to be reported to the authority for option

Accountant General.

*The finance commission is appointed by the president for a term of 5 years.

*The anticipatory family pension is payable to the spouse of a n employee is 75% of eligible pension.

*Minimum service required for sanction of House building advance is 8 years.

*Rate of interest on H.B.A for class –IV employees 5% per annum.

*rate of interest on H.B.A for other than class –IV employees 5.50% per annum.

*penal interest on H.B.A for miss use of Advance 1 ½ times of the normal rates.

*Sanction of expenditure on Obsequies charges Rs.10,000.

*The cadre strength of staff of the office will be maintained by The DDO

*The maximum limit of Medical reimbursement is both for employees and pensioners Rs 2,00,000.

*Commute value for interior Government servant 8.194

*Percentage of Anticipatory pension 80%.

*Minimum service required for getting Half of the Emoluments the offices of AIS is 20 years.

*Percentage of pension of emoluments to the officers of AIS is 50%

*Commutation of monthly pension maximum limit to the officers of AIS is 40%.

*Website for applying for PRAN number

*Surrender of earned leave proceeding valid up to 365 days.

*Advances must be sanctioned from Contingency fund.

*The deductions made from state government employee salaries will credited to Consolidated fund of the state.

*In the sanction of Loans and advances to employee powers will be given to Head of the office.

*Pay bill register and Acquaintance registers of an Establishment will be retained and destroyed after a period of 35 years.

*The service register of dismissed or discharged or resigned of an employee should be retained 5 years.

*Head of Account is classified in budget manual as Seven Tier classification.

*The nomination for pensionary benefits is compulsory.

*The Enhancement of retirement age from 58 to 60 years for all employees of AP state Government as per

GO.MS.NO 147,dt;30.06.2014.

*An amount of Rs.200 will be paid to all the pensioners as Medical aalowance.

*CPS withdrawal procedure for the AP state government employees as per Go.NO.62,Dt;7.3.14.

*CPS:As per G.O.NO.62, Up on superannuation 40% pension wealth should be utilized for purchase of an Annuity.

* CPS:As per G.O.NO.62, Up on superannuation 60% pension wealth should be paid to the employee.

* CPS:As per G.O.NO.62, Up on superannuation 100% pension wealth should be paid to the nominee of the employee.

* CPS:As per G.O.NO.62 when an employee wants exit from CPS irrespective of case 80% pension wealth should be utilized for purchase of a n Annuity.


S.NO      Name of the Department Payment    MajorHead






6. SALTES TAX 2040



9. POLICE 2055

10. JAILS 2056















25. I.C.D.S. 2235







32. FISHERIES 2405

33. FOREST 2406

35. O.R.D.P. (PR DEPT) 2515













Loans and Advances:

General Provident Fund: Description Head of Account

1 Regular 8009-01-101-01

2 Class –IV 8009-01-101-05

3 CSS 8009-01-101-03

4 A.I.S 8009-01-104-01

Receipt of Stamps Description Head of Account

1 Court fee stamps 0030-01-102-00-01

2 AP Advocate Welfare funds stamps 0030-01-102-00-02

3 Other Receipts 0030-01-800-81

4 N J Special Adhesive,Notorial other stamps 0030-02-102-01

5 Stamp Duty on impressing of Documents 0030-02-103-01

6 Other receipts 0030-02-800

7 Fees for registering documents 0030-03-104-01

8 Other receipts 0030-03-800-81-001

9 User charges 0030-03-800-81-800

Refund of stamps: Description Head of Accounts

1 Refund of court fee stamps 0030-01-102-00-96

2 Refund of N J stamps 0030-02-102-00-96

3 Refund of stamp duty on impressing of documents 0030-02-901-01

4 Refund of Registration Fee 0030-03-104-96

5 Discount of N J Stamps 2030-02-102-05-500-503

6 Discount on C F Stamps 2030-01-102-04-240

Head of Accounts for Utilization of User charges:

800-801 Other expenditure

800-802 Transport facility

800-803 Travelling Allowances

800-804 Utility payments

800-805 Other office Expenditure

800-806 Advertisements , sales and public expenses

800-807 Maintenance

800-808 Other payments

800-809 Other Grant-in -Aid

800-810 Other Administrative Expenses

800-811 Materials and supplies

800-812 Petrol. Oil , and Lubricants

800-813 Scholarships and stipends

800-814 Purchases Description Head of Account

1. House building advances 7610-201-05

2 Motor car advances 7610-202-04

3 Motor cycle advances 7610-202-05

4 Other conveyances 7610-203-04

5 Marriage Advances 7610-800-05

6 Festival advances 7610-800-04

Head of Accounts Non lapsable:

8338-104-01 ZPPF

8342-120-01 Deposits of TTD

8342-120-04 Deposits of charitable trusts

8342-120-06 Department of employees co-operative

8342-120-07 Hand loom weavers thrift

8443-800-02 C.M Relief fund

8448-102-03 Municipal General funds

8448-109-03-06 ZP Loan funds

8448-120-03 Library funds, equalization funds

Lapsable as per codal provision:

8443-102-01 Revenue deposits

8443-103-01 Security deposits

8443-105 Criminal court deposits

8443-108 Public works deposits

8443-110 Deposits of public funds

8448-102-01 Municipal Loan funds

8448-102-06 Municipal corporation funds

8448-110-12 Deposits of DRDA

Expenditure on Obsequies charges debited to sub-detailed head. 310-312

Encashment of Earned leave debited to sub-detailed Head 010-018

CPS deductions made from salary –Head of Account MH 8342-117-04-001

Receipts of stamps and registration Dept to be credited to MH 0030

Anticipatory Pension debited to Major head account MH 2071

Interest on House building Advances head of Account 0049-04-800-01-002

Festival Advance Head of Account 7610-800-04

Profession Tax Head of Account 0028-107-01

Adjusting accounts between central and state Govt Major Head of Account MH 8786

Interstate Suspense Account Head of Account MH8793

Suspense Major Head of Accounts MH8658

Receipt Head of A/C From MH 0020 to MH 1999

Permanent cash imprest amount Major Head MH 8672

For remitting marriage Advance principle Amount Head of Account MH 7610-800-05

Remitting sale proceeds old furniture and news papers Head of Account MH 0070-800-60

Remitting Amount under RTI A ct-2005 Head of Account MH 0070-60-101-03-001

Remitting Under AP employees welfare fund Head of Account MH 8222-101-01

Remittance of Leave salary contributions employees working in Foreign services MH 0070-800-03

Remittance of Pension contributions employees working in Foreign services MH 0071-01-101-04

For Receipt of APPSC Udyoga samacharam Head of Account 0051-105-800

Receipt Major head – Medical and Public Health MH 0210

Receipt Major Head of Accounts-Roads and Bridges. MH 1054

Pension and other Retirement benefits –payment Major Head MH2071

State Legislature Payment Major Head MH 2011

Receipt major Head of E.W.F MH 8121

Detailed and sub detailed Major heads for other Grants-in –Aid 310/312

Detailed head and sub-detailed head for Tools and paints 520/522.


APTC Form 1: Cash Balance Report

APTC Form 2: District Treasury Balance.

APTC Form 3: Sub treasury cash balance report.

APTC Form 4: Preliminary acknowledgement for receipt of the cheques received on Govt. Accounts.

APTC Form 5: Cash book in Departmental Offices.

APTC Form 5A: Temporary receipt for money received by a Govt Servant in all Departments.

APTC Form 7: Receipt to be given by the Departmental Officer when the payer hand over the money.

APTC Form 9: Duplicate challana

APTC Form 10: Standard challan Form.

APTC Form 11:Personal security bond required for temporary Government Servant.

APTC Form 12: Remittance book.

APTC Form 13: Head Accountant‟s number book.

APTC Form 14: Register of cheques, Mortgage bond for Motor car /Cycle.

APTC Form 15:Court a Challana.

APTC Form 16: Treasuries/Shroffs Amanath balance Register.

APTC Form 16B: Loan for house building.

APTC Form 17: Register of unshroffed village remittances received at the Sub-Treasury.

APTC Form 18: Register of unshroffed Treasury and currency remittances.

APTC Form 19: Safe custody articles register.

APTC Form 20: Register of undisbursed pay etc.

APTC Form 21: Machine numbered service postage stamps.

APTC Form 22: Consolidated Treasury receipt for PWD Remittances (ctrs)

APTC Form 24: Treasuries daily balance sheet for the transactions of conducted through the Bank.

APTC Form 26: Register of locks and duplicate keys.

APTC Form 28: Shroffs slip to be placed on each bundle of notes

APTC Form 36: currency Chest Book.

APTC Form 37-A: Bill for withdrawal from the Treasury cash balance for deposit into currency chest.

APTC Form 38: Verification statement of currency chest balance.

APTC Form 39: Register of receipt& return of departmental cash chest, for safe custody in Treasury.

APTC Form 40: Loans and advances of the state Government Employees.(GIS,FBF,GPF)

APTC Form 40-A: Bill for with drawl from General and other Provident Fund.

APTC Form 41-B: Certificate of deduction of tax from income chargeable under the Head Salaries

APTC Form 41-C: Register/schedule of recovery of court attachment of payee etc.

APTC Form 47: Pay Bill Form.

APTC Form 48: Absentee statement.

APTC Form 49: Periodical Increment Certificate.

APTC Form 52:T.A. Bill form

APTC Form 57: Abstract Contingent Bill

APTC Form 58: Fully vouched contingent bill, Medical Reimbursement Amount.

APTC Form 62: Refund of Revenue

APTC Form 64: Deposit Repayment Bill

APTC Form 65: Refund of lapsed Deposit

APTC Form 66: Voucher of transfer of deposits.

APTC Form 69: Objections raised by the Treasury on pre-audit of the bills – Model objections printed.

APTC Form 70: Treasury Bills Book

APTC Form 70- A:Pas book or list of cheques cashed against the account of….

APTC Form 73: Pass book or list of cheques cashed against the account of ….

APTC Form 74: Certificate relating to the specimen signature of a person taking charge of an office.

APTC Form 75: Pensioner‟s bill

APTC Form 76: A:Bill for withdrawing DCRG

APTC Form 76-B: Form of intimating regarding the death of the pensioner who elected as A.P Servants.

APTC Form 81: Register of pension payment orders

APTC Form 88: Acquaintance rolls

APTC Form 89: Permanent Advance Register

APTC Form 101: Letter of authority to be sent to the Treasury/Bank.

APTC Form 102: Grants in Aid bill form, obsequies charges.

APTC Form 103: Bill for Scholarships and stipends.

APTC Form 104: Receipt of acknowledgement of sealed cash chests, pockets etc.

APTC Form 105: Register of payment orders issued on the branch of the bank.

APTC Form 106: Increment watch register

APTC Form 107: Indemnity Bond

APTC Form 108: Loan Bill

APTC Form 109: Pay bill register

Note: We all the precautions while preparing this Material, but small errors may be kept in it.

If you bring to our notice we will corrected them in the Next step.


T.R 1: Treasury Rules may called the A.P Treasury Rules.

T.R 2: Definitions.

T.R 3: Location of Money standing in the Government Account.

T.R 4: General system of control over Treasury.

T.R 5:Sub-Treasuries.

T.R 6: Office of the Accountant General under the control of comptroller and Auditor General of India.

T.R 7: Payment of Money into Government Account.

T.R 9: A Government servant may not except with the special permission of the Government deposits in a Bank moneys withdrawn from the Government account under the provisions of section VII.

T.R 10: Receipt of Money by the Treasuries.

T.R 11: Custody of moneys to relating to or standing in Government Account.

T.R 12&13: Withdrawal of moneys from Government Account.

T.R 14: Powers of the Accountant General.

T.R 15: Powers of the treasury officer.

T.R 16: Drawl of fund from the Government Account.

T.R 17: Special instructions to the Treasury Officers.

T.R 18: Treasury Officer may refer disputed claim to the Accountant General.

T.R 19: Payment should be made in the same district when a claim arises.

T.R 20: Drawl of leave salary of Gazetted Government servant.

T.R 21: Pension can be paid in anywhere in India.

T.R 22: Authorization of A.G for the drawl of salary of a Gazetted Government servant.

T.R 23: Rules relating to the issue of Last pay certificate.

T.R 24: Treasury officer is responsible to the A.G for acceptance of any claim.

T.R 25: Treasury officer should obtain sufficient information as to the nature of every payment.

T.R 26: A Treasury officer may correct an arithmetical inaccuracy on obvious mistake in any bill presented to him for payment by intimating the mistakes to the DDO.

T.R 27: Special powers of the District collectors in the occurrence of Earth quakes, floods and like to draw Money reference to the budget Allotments.

T.R 28: Instructions to the Drawing officers to notify the Bank or Treasury about the number of each

Cheque book brought into use and the number of leaves it contains.

T.R 29: Furnishing of Specimen signatures to the Treasury/Bank.

T.R 30: Transfer of moneys standing in Government Account between one treasury to another or from one Bank to the Treasury Vice-versa.

T.R 31: Recoveries of dues by the Treasury officer on receipt of the retrenchment slip from the A.G.

T.R 32: Responsibility of the drawing officer to see that payments made to persons entitled to receive them.

T.R 33:A.G will authorize Receipts or payments of the Governments adjustments against the balances of the State by debit or credit to another Government.

T.R 34: Receipts or payments of Union Government by the Treasuries.

T.R 36: Relates to the Railways.

T.R 37: Receipts and Disbursements of the states in the United Kingdom.

T.R 38 & 39: Accountant General will function under the control of the C.A.G of India.

T.R 40: Finance minster may not exercise any power conferred upon him by the Treasury rules.

T.R 41: All references in these rules to the finance minster shall during the period and proclamation issued.

T.R 42: Government may relax the provisions contained in any of rules in favor of any Government servant or class of Government servant, Department.

INS. 2 UNDER T.R.3:- A branch of the State Bank which conducts Treasury business shall be kept open for the transactions of that business on a recognized holiday, if the collector requests the agent/ manager to keep it open for that purpose. SBI and SBH act as agents of the RBI.

S.R.4 under T.R.5: The STO shall personally be responsible to the DTO for the safe custody of cash, notes, stamps, securities and other Government property.

S.R.8 Under T.R.5: The STO shall prove the balance in the Sub-Treasury in the presence of the other officer holding a set of keys of the double locks once in every seven days and also verify the stock of stamps and other Government property at least twice in a month.

S.R.12 under TR-5:- The DTO shall conduct the technical examination of Sub-Treasuries at least once in a calendar year. The DTO shall conduct verification of balance of cash, stamps and other valuables as held in a non-banking Sub-Treasury at least once in a calendar year without notice in addition to the annual technical examination.

T.R. 10:- Receipt of Moneys by Govt. Servants (Other wise than at a Treasury)

S.R.1 (a)9 under T.R.10 :- A Govt. servant can receive the following on behalf of Govt. (i) legal tender coin

(ii) legal tender currency or bank notes (iii) RBI draft drawn on the Treasury with which the Govt. Servants deals and made payable to him (iv) The cheques should be crossed and sent to the bank.

S.R.2 under T.R.10 :- Any amount below Rs.50/- shall be received by the Govt. Servants and receipts in A.P.T.C. Form.7 shall be given. Receipt books duly machine numbered shall be obtained from the Govt. press through the Treasury Officers. Receipts books shall contain receipt in triplicate. Demand draft can be obtained and sent to the Officer concerned in case no subordinate office is located at that place. Restriction of challan amount of less than Rs.50/- will not apply to remittances of APGLI, GPF, GIS etc., Dept. can remit these amounts in the Treasury direct even if they are for less than Rs.50-00.

S.R. 6 under TR-10:- Preliminary acknowledgement shall be given in lieu of the cheques in APTC Form.4. No duplicate copy of receipt shall be given to the private parties free of cost. A fee of Rs.10-00 shall be levied for the purpose of granting duplicate receipt i.e., certificate of credit

S.R. 7 under T.R.10:- The following Non-Govt. funds administered by the D.G.police shall be kept outside the Public Account (1) Widow fund (ii) Sports fund (iii) Education Fund (iv) Welfare Fund

S.R.7 (b) under T.R.10:- personal deposit account shall be opened for the moneys of the society or body with the permission of Govt.

S.R. 7(d) under T.R.10:- A Govt. servant shall not place any private money in a cash chest used for Keeping money received in his official capacity.

Instruction-3 under T.R.10:- In case too many cheques are received, they shall be entered in a Subsidiary register in Form14-A for watching the encashment of the cheques and only the daily total of receipts and remittances accounted for in the cash book.

Instruction-4 under T.R.10:- Moneys paid by the suitors for the service of summonses and diet money of witnesses, deposits are received direct at the court and the parties are not required to pay the money into the Treasury or Bank.

S.R. 8(a) under T.R.10:- The Treasury or Bank receives any money from a private party for credit to Govt. in the standard Challan Form.10 has been introduced through G.O.Ms.No.195 Finance Dept. dt. 24-05-1989 in place of various types of challans and they shall be presented in triplicate so as to suit to the seven-tier classification.

S.R.10 (e) under T., R.10:Care should be taken and no space left for any interpolations in the challans While appending receipt order on the challans. Original challan is intended to the party, duplicate to the department and the triplicate to the Treasury. Challans should be supplied free of cost (Inst.7under T.R.10)

Instruction 10 under T.R.10:- No further information as to the nature of receipt is required to be furnished in respect of Local fund deposits and personal deposits. A challan issued to the party shall be valid for 14 days only or preferably a date if any, given by the Departmental officer on the challan.(G.O.Ms.No.171,dt,10-5-1983).

Instruction 34 under T.R.10:- Payments for stamps sold to the public by the ex-officio stamp vendors may be made direct to the ex-officio stamp vendors (STOs/Sub-Registrars) instead of at the bank.

S.R.21 under T.R.10:- Dist. Treasury maintains Amanath Register in Form.24.

T.R.10.S.R.10:The challan which accompanies a payment of money into the Treasury or the Bank shall

contain full information.

T.R.11 instruction -19: Duplicate keys of cash chest-to be deposited at treasuries.

Ins.19 under T.R.11:- Cash chests etc., should not be received by the STOs without the permission of the DTO. The Treasury Officers shall not accept any chest and valuables such as costly jewels etc., for safe custody in case their Treasuries are not provided with police guard.

Ins.21 underT.R.11:Separate registers in APTC Form.39 should be opened for each departmental cash chest. Single entry is enough in the safe custody articles register. Penal rent at Rs.25/- per pocket for every year shall be charged in the safe custody article is not withdrawn immediately after 3 years.

S.R.1 under T.R.16: A bill drawn by a person who is not a Govt.servant shall ordinarily be signed or Countersigned by the responsible Govt. servant belonging to the department concerned with the payment.

Note-2 under T.R.16 :- The bill shall be passed by the DTO and ATO independently as pr the work Distribution ordered by the DTO. The refund orders issued by the Sales Tax Dept. shall be presented directly at the bank instead of taking an endorsement at the Treasury.

S.R.2 under T.R.16:The NGOs cannot sign the bills as the drawing officers unless they are permitted to do as by the Govt.The head of an office may authorize a gazetted Govt. servant serving under him to sign bills, vouchers and payment orders for him but this will not relieve the head of office of his responsibility for the accuracy of the bills etc and for the disposal of the money drawn from the Treasury

T.R.16 S.R.(2) (e):Separate bill has to be preferred for the expenditure debatable to each major head account.

T.R.16 S.R.(2) (h):Head of an officer –May authorize a Gazetted Government servant serving under him to sign bills, Vouchers and payment.

S.R. 2(q) under T.R.16:- All cheques and bills etc., preferable at a Treasury for payment being nonnegotiable instruments shall be endorsed only once in favour of specific party to whom money is to be paid.

T.R.16 S.R. (2) (t): The specimen signatures of the Drawing officers who is authorize to draw bills and cheques from Government should send to concern Treasury /PAO

T.R.16 Instruction7: A certificate of reasonableness of rent should be furnished to bill of private building occupied on rent for Government purpose.

T.R.16 S.R.7: Sanction order number to continuance of Temporary posts with period is to be shown on Bill.

T.R.16. Instruction 8: The service postage for Government offices, drawn of amount and obtaining stamps.

T.R.16.Instruction 41: A drawing officer should invariably keep the cheque book supplied to him in his personal custody.

T.R.16.Instructions 50: The account of local fund at the treasury is purely a banking account , and the nature of the disbursement need not be specified on any local fund cheque.

T.R.16.S.R .12: The original Last pay certificate should be enclosed to the first salary ill of the employee on transfer at new station.

T.R.16.S.R.13: The increment certificate shall be attached to the pay bill by Drawing officer.

T.R. 16.S.R.14: The arrears of pay and allowances shall be drawn on a separate bill.

*Non –Drawl certificate should be enclosed to the bill while submitting to Treasuries/PAO.

T.R.16.S.R.18 (e): The sub-vouchers for the amount below Rs.1000 /- are cancelled and retained the office

T.R.16.S.R .22: The amounts attached by a prohibitory order of a court of law shall be recovered from the pay and allowances of a Government servant.

T.R.16.S.R .26: Compensation awarded by courts out of fines to injured parties in a criminal case.

T.R.16.S.R .45: As a general rule, no cheque shall be issued for a sum less than Rs.10.

T.R.16 S.R.51: The drawing officer –shall cancel any cheque issued issued by him /her which has remained up paid for 12 months.

T.R.23 Instruction (1): Issue of Last Pay Certificate to a Government servant.

T.R.32.S.R.5 instruction 2(d): period of retention sub –voucher is 3 years from the due date of payment.

T.R.16.S.R.4:All money drawn and disbursed for pay and allowances –Head of office personally Responsible.

Para-1.1: Estimated receipts and expenditure of the state for each financial year has to be laid before two houses of Legislature.(Divisions of Annual financial statement or Budget.).

Para-1.2: The consolidated fund of the state is formed out of all revenues received by the Government of the state.

Para-1.3: The transactions relating to the consolidated fund are accounted in three different sections.

Para-1.5: Contingency fund of the state has been constituted by the A.P contingency fund Amendment Act.

Para-1.6: Public account of the state – Pertains to all Public Money.

Para-2.1: The Government of India have introduced a new system of budget and accounts classification.

Para-2.6: The budget process and design should sub serve-objectives.

Para-2.11: Each department has got a series of programmes or scheme and each is delt with on a file basis.

Para-4.4: All the balances in the Treasuries and in the Bank on Government Account treated as a single balance of the central Government.

Para 4.6: major heads of Accounts were, for the first ,grouped under several sections.

Para 4.10: In the contingency fund , the transactions are accounted for in th same manner as under the consolidated fund.

Para-5.1.2: The classification structure common to both Accounts and Plan.

Para 5.2.1: The sectoral classification presently adopted in accounts for the Revenue and capital expenditure known as “Sections”.

Para 5-2-2: The sect oral classification adopted in the plan which, of course ,does not cover the entire amount of Government transactions reflected in accounts.

Para 5.3: Correlation with the plan classification.

Para-5.3.4: In the Accounts classification, there will be one more sector namely D.Grants-in-Aid & contribution.

Para-5.4.2: In the plan Irrigation, flood ,control and powers are separate Head of department.

Para 5.4.3: In the case of industries, the classification proposed on the capital side is much more elaborate than the plan classification.

Para 5-4-5: General education and technical education which are separate plan heads have been combined under a single major head: Education” as both relate the function “Education”.

Para 5.5.2: The minor heads would need to be reviewed periodically in the light of the programmes under taken by the Government.

Para 5.12:The sartorial classification in the Public account will be as detailed.

Para 5.13.1:The question of Exhibition of the transactions under he proposed scheme of classification has been considered.

Para 5.13.4: Expenditure on investment in public sector and other under takings.

Para 5.13.5: Grants –in –Aid and loans advances by Government.

Para-5.17.3: Codification of Sub-Major, Minor Sub and detailed Heads.

Para-5.17.4: Identification of plan schemes details.

Para 5.19.2: In sector Economic services at present there are 5 sub-sectors , whereas in the revised

classification nine sub-sectors are formed.

Para 5.20.2: Correlation with plan classification.

Para 6.8: The existing major heads „Education „ and „Art and culture‟ are clubbed into one major head “Education, sports, Art and culture”.

Para 6.11:The nomenclature of “Community Development” is changed as “other Rural Development programmes”.

Para 7.2.1: The sector “General services “will be divided into five sectors.

Para 7.2.6: Pensions and miscellaneous General services.

Para-7.4.1: The Sector Economic Services will be divided into 5 sub-sectors.

Para 7.5.3:”Special and backward areas” is a head of development in the plan under the sector “other programmes”.

Para 7.5.4: The major head “Other General Economic services” in this sub sector will include expenditure on regulation of join stock companies, other business undertakings.

Para 7.6: Agriculture and allied services.

Para 7..6.2:The scheme for dairy development and milk supply has been split up from animal Husbandry and has been provided a separate major head “Dairy development”.

Para 7.6.3:A new major head for “Fisheries‟ has been opened.

Para 7.7: Industries and minerals.

Para 7.8: Water and power development.

Para 7.9: Transport and communications.

Para 7.11.2:The existing major head “Education” split up into “General Education”, Technical Education” and “Sports and youth services”.

Para 7.11.5:A separate head “Nutrition” was opened.

Para 7.13.2:The major head “Minor irrigation” has been renamed as “Crop Husbandry “ so as to correlate with the plan head of development.

Para 7.13.4: Mahor head of Forest has been renamed as “Forestry and wild life”.

Para 7.15.4: The functional major head “Minor irrigation” provides to record expenditure separately for surface water and Ground water.

Para-8.7.5: Materials, equipment and other commodities received from the foreign countries as Aid.

Para-14.1: According to the principles of the Account ,Recoveries of Expenditure are taken as Reduction of Expenditure in certain cases.

Para-16: The Head of the departments are required to submit Number statement to the Finance dept.under A.P budget manual.

Para-16.12: Lump sum provision is not permissible in budget estimates.

Para 7.17.1: Industries and Minerals.

Para 7.18.1: Transport.

Para 7.19.1: Science and Technology.

Para 7.20.1: “Tourism” presently a function under sub sector “Transport and Communication” is shifted to sub-sector: General Economic Services”.

Para 7.20.2:The function „civil supplies‟ which is under „social and community services‟ sector at present is brought under „Economic Services‟.

Para 7.20.3:‟Census survey and statistics‟ will record expenditure on census operations and Bureau of Economics and statistics.

Para 8.8: Abolition of the scheme of temporary capitalization of certain transactions.

Para 8.9: Appropriations to the contingency fund.

Para 9.6: All expenditure on temporary structures, whether falling under the category of major works or minor works will be met from revenue.

Para 12.7.2: Festival advances are more in the nature of loans governments servants like flood advance, advance for warm clotting etc.

Para 14.2: In the case of receipts and recoveries on capital account, they are always taken as reduction in expenditure under the capital major head concerned.

Para 16.2 : The ordinary annual estimates of the departments ar based on “standing sanctions” and are called the part I estimates.

Para 16.11: pay and fixed allowances of an officer for a month become due only after the end of the month.

Para 16.12: Lump-sum provisions should not as a rule be made in the budget estimates.

Para 16.16: The estimates for the class of expenditure required careful scrutiny by the controlling officer.

Para 16.20.2: The forms have been standardized and copies should be obtained by estimating officer from the director of stationery on annual indents.

Para 17.4: Grants –in- aid (Recurring).

Para 17.5: Grants-in –aid (Non recurring)

Para 17.6: Proposals for loans to local bodies for new works or to any persons or body for an entirely new object should be treated as part II scheme.

Para 17.7: Works.

Para 18.4.1: The Finance department will prepare the Annual financial statement. Or the budget .

Para 18.5: copies of the budget publications will be sent to the secretary to the state legislature, for circulation to the members of the Legislature, at the time presentation of the Budget.

Para 18.7.4:The assembly may assent or refuse to assent to any demand or assent to a demand subject to a reduction of the amount specified therein.

Para-18.10:The Memorandum of variations between figures in Budget and Appropriation Act.

Para 18.11:Reports due from the commisioner of land revenue.

Para 19.2:Appropriations – unit and distribution.

Para-19.3: Description of method of watching actual of budgeted expenditure by a chief controlling officer of the Department.

Para 19.4: Disbursing officer‟s register of actual.

Para 19.5 :Subordinate controlling officer‟s register.

Para-19.7.1: Reconciliation of departmental figures with that of A.G of A.P Budget manual.

Para 19.11.2: Special procedure for public works and forest Departments.

Para 19.11.2: The divisional officers furnish all the information necessary for the watching of expenditure.

Para-20.3: New service scheme can be sanctioned with provision in Budget.(Token Grant-To New service scheme.

Para-20.6: The Re-appropriation of savings from the savings under plan to Non plan is not permissible.


Article 3,4:Procedures-DDO should follow for incurring expenditure

Article 3(3):Amount of any allowance (EX:T.A) is not a source of property.

Article 4: Use of personal money for Government or public purposes.

Article 5:Every Government servant should be see that proper accounts are maintained for all Government Transactions.

Article 6:All definitions, Examining of Accountant General, Bank were given.

Article 8:Evey Government servant should who is collecting money dues should maintain a Record.

Article 10:Revenue collected in one district on account of another should be credited in the treasury accounts.

Article 11:The detailed rules governing the demand and collection of revenue under the control of the Various departments are contained in the respective department mannuals.

Article 12:Recoverable charges.

Article 13:Rents of buildings due from Government servants.

Article 14:Every head of an officer who draws his own pay bills is responsible for the recovery of all amounts.

Article 15:syatem of accounts of central and state government.

Article 16(Accounts code):Accounts between different account circles.

Article 17(Accounts code v-I):Authorities responsible for preparation of Annual accounts of the central and state governments.

Article 22:**Sale of Government property of right by auction **When any building or land or other property belonging to the Govt ,is let to person other than Govt. servant, pensioner discussed.

Article 23 (Accounts code):The accounts of government kept in India shall be maintained in Indian currency.

Article 24: Cost of survey's.

Article 25:Rent of hostels.

Article 26: Fines.

Article 27:Reciepts o f the forest department(Revenue from sandal wood, teak etc).

Article 28(Accounts code V-I):Classification of expenditure

Article 28(financial code):collection of amount due to Govt. Commercial concerns.

Article 29:Government educational institutions,Fees for students belonging to the state and for others.

Article 30-A:Allocation of expenditure between capital & revenue

Article 31:Miscellaneous dues and special recoveries.

Article 32:Powers to the departmental Authorities to sanction refunds of revenue.

Article 35:Classification of refunds of revenue, limits for claim of Refunds of revenue

Article 36:Refund orders of revenue

Article 37(Accounts code):Classification of Transactions under suspense account.

Article 38(b): Sufficient funds must have provided for the expenditure in the appropriations Acts for the current financial year or by reappropriation of funds sanctioned by a competent Authorities.

Article 39:All appropriations, sanctions and budget allotment for contigent expenditure shall be lapsed by the end of the financial year.

Article 41:The government have powers to incur any expenditure that it does not contravene the provisions of the constitution of India.

Article 42:The Authorities Subordinate to the Governments may sanction expenditure or advances from public money in the certain cases.

Article 44:When any Authority accords sanction for expenditure of a definite amount or up to a specified maximum limit ,the amount should always be expressed both in words and rupees.

Article 45:Signature of Gazetted office on any order to A.G Should only be in ink and not in stencil or facsimile.

Article 49:Date of effect of sanction.

Article 50 :Lapse of sanction.

Article 52: Arrear claims.

Article 53:Bills of arrears of pay need not ordinarily be submitted to A.G/Pay &account officer Hyderabad for pre audit.

Article 54 (f) note-2:T.A will be entertained if it is made after 3 months from the date on which the claim has been fallen due. T.A bills time limit

Article 55: Payment of a claim which is barred by limitation of the time under any provisions of law relating to such limitations should ordinarily be refused.

Article 56:Every Government servant who draws bills for Pays and allowances or contingent

Expenses is primarily responsible for the correction of amounts for which each bill is drawn.

Article 57:The Auditor General is responsible for the auditing of all expenditure charged against the Government.

Article 58:Recoveries from pay bill should not exceed 1/3 of pay.

Article 59:Govt.servant should be given proper attention to all objections and orders received from the Accountant General.

Article 62 :The Govt. has powers to create or abolish posts in the state.

Article 63:Powers of Subordinate Authorities to sanction additional Establishments.

Article 64:Additions to Establishments or increase in the emoluments of existing posts.

Article 65:The scale of pay proposed for new post should be the same time scale as that already in force for posts of the same category.

Article 66:Details to be furnished with Establishment proposals.

Article 67:Proposition statements.

Article 68:Instructions for preparing Proposition statements.

Article 69:Verification of Proposition statements by Auditor General.

Article 70:Distribution of Non-Gazetted establishments into Sections.

Article 71:Annual returns of the Establishments.

Article 72 (B):Pensions which are paid through Banks, post offices are to be paid on last working day of each month except for the month of march.

Article 73:Drawing officer should not sign pay bills earlier than is reasonably necessarily in advance of the date of presentation at the Treasury.

Article 74:Drwawl of pay above an efficiency bar not permitted.

Article 75:Recoveries by one department from another department of the state Govt.

** The drawing officer should attach an increment certificate(FORM-49) to every bill on which

periodical increment done.

Article 76:When any pay is due in India to a Govt servant who is absent from India ,he should make his own arrangements to receive it in India.

Article 77:Pay ,etc due to member of the Territorial army when called out for service.

Article 78:Reports transfer of charge of Gazzeted Government servant.

Article 85:Deductions of of PF,APGLI from pay bills.

Article 87:Attachment of pay&allowences of servants by Civil courts.

Article 88:Responsibilities of Government servant for recovering amounts attached by Civil cases from Pay and allowances.

Article 89:Hospital stoppages.

Article 90:Fines imposed on subordinates for ordinary neglect of office duty.

Article 91:Definition of Contigent charges.

Article 93:Authorities to competent to sanction contigent charges.

Article 94-96:Permanent advances.

Article 95:For sanctioning of permanent advances to Govt. Servants the department of

secretariat should send the proposal to finance & planning dept.

Article 96 (a):The procedure for issue and payments of the amounts to be followed of motor bus

warrants to the Motor bus owners by district supdt.of police department.

Article 98:The DDO’s should enclose a true copy of permanent acknowledgement sent to the sanctioning authority to their own salary bills.

Article 99:Temporary advances for specific purposes.

Article 100:Advances for contigent charges to be incurred on tour.

Article 101:Advances for law charges.

Article 102:Classification of contigent charges as counter signed and non counter sigend, Grouped for the purpose of control and audit.

Article 103:Contigent expenditure should be recorded in a register to be maintained in each office.

Article 105 (B):The amount of bills paid by book transfer should be entered in the Contigent register in Red ink.

Article 106-107:Recoupment of permanent advances.

Article 108-109: Detailed monthly bill for countersigned contingencies.

Article 110-111:Countersigning authority’s contigent register.

Article 112:The outer signing authority should communicate t disburser the items if any disallowed with amount in the monthly contigent bills.

Article 113:List of Abstract contigent bills.

Article 114:The charges on account of exchange payable to Reserve bank should be borne by the department.

Article 115:Inter Departmental Transfers.

Article 79:Two specimen signatures Gazetted servant has to forward to the A.G who desires to draw leave salary and other allowances in another state.

Article 80 (A):The pay and allowances can be drawn for the day of government servants death irrespective of hour death takes place

Article 80 (b) & 81:pay due to Govt servant where about are unknown.

Article 82:T.A bills requires counter signature of the controlling officer.

Article 83:Travelling allowances of Non-Gazetted police officers.

Article 84:Advances of travelling expenses for tours. All drawing officers should maintain a register for recording the advances paid.

Article 86:Deduction of income Tax from Govt servant From the salary. DDO should enclose Income–Tax recovery certificate for February bill.

Article 116:Contingent charges incurred on other Government servants.

Article 117:Special instructions regarding bills of offices in Hyderabad city.

Article 118:Control of contigent expenditure against appropriation.

Article 119:service postage stamps should be used for service of Government.

Article 120:No Municipal tax is payable on a public building situated in a cantonment.

*If the building is occupied a single department ,the department should pay the Taxes.

Article 120-A:Cleaning Etc Charges.

Article 121:Electric current charges.

Article 122:Introduction of stores.

Article 123:Authorities competent to purchase stores.

Article 124:Forecasts of requirements and time of purchase.

Article 125:Certificate for hiring of vehicle bill should be enclosed while procuring of vehicle.

Article 127:Acceptance of tenders.

Article 128:Supply of stores – Execution of agreement.

Article 129:Security to be taken from contractors discussed..

Article 130:Examination of contracts by the Accountant General.

Article 131:Tender and Agreement form.

Article 132-132-A:Claims in respect of imported stores lost or damaged.

Article 133:Stock accounts. The Head of an office or any Government servant who is entrusted with stores of any kind of should take special care in arranging for their safe custody.

Article 134:Stock accounts of raw materials and expandable stores.

Article 135:The government libraries and museums should maintain catalogues as well as the prescribed stock accounts or inventories

Article 136:Valution of stores in the stock accounts.

Article 137-138:Receipts and disposal of stores.

Article 139:Inspection of stores.No Government servant should hold stores in stock in excess of the amounts likely to be required during a responsible period.

Article 140-142:Unservicable stores.

Article 143:All stores should be verified periodically in the manner prescribed for each department and at least once a year.

Article 145:Discrepancies found on verification of stores.

Article 146:The regulations & rules relating to the audit by the A.G of the accounts ,of the stores and stock kept in Govt departments & offices are printed in Appendix-10

Article 147:Definition of works , Classification of works as original works and repairs & maintenance.

Article 148:Works are also classified in to Productive or Unproductive.

Article 149:Works allowted to public works Department.

Article 150:Works allotted to the forest department nad excise department.

Article 151-153:Works allowted to other Departments.

Article 154:Electrical works.

Article 155:Minor irrigation works.

Article 156:Selection of site.*The site for a new building should,if possible ,be fixed before the

detailed plans and estimates are prepared.

Article 157:Preparation if estimations.

Article 158:Powers delegated by the govt to departments to sanction of expenditure works of

construction and repair.

Article 159:Repairs to building.*The cost of the Annual Repairs to a Government building occupied partly by a District board office or offices should be limited to 1 percent of the capital cost of the building.

Article 160:No information concerning them may be communicated on any account to any contractor ,Piece –worker or prospective tender.

Article 161:The sanction to an estimate should always be regarded as being strictly limited to the precise objects for which the estimate was intended to provide.

Article 162:Supplementary estimates.

Article 163:Works are executed by one or other of the four methods.

Article 164:Purchase of materials and invitations to tenders.

Article 165:Provision of funds.

Article 166:No work which s to be executed under a contract should be started until the contractor has signed on a formal written agreement.

Article 169:Starting a work with out a sanctioned estimate or without adequate funds having been provided.

Article 172:Muster rolls should be prepared & dealt with in accordance with the rules.

Article 173:Labour engaged departmentally through a contractor .

Article 174(a):Measurement book.*All work done other wise than by daily labour and all supplies relating to a work should be paid for on the basis of Measurements recorded in a measurement book.

Article 177:No advances should be paid to contractor except with the special sanction of the Government or of a competent Authority to whom they have delegated Powers to sanction such advances.

Article 179:Liability of contractors.

Article 180:Lending Government tools to piece-works in the scheduled areas.

Article 182:Disposal of surplus material.

Article 183:Protection of religious edifices.

Article 185:Administrative approval and technical sanction of works.

Article 190:The piece work contract method should ordinarily be used only for works costing not more than Rs.2500 each.

Article193-194:Acceptance of tenders.

Article 195:Agreements with Contractors

Article 195(A):Rates in excess of those stated in an agreement must on no account to be paid.

Article 197:A Revised estimation should be submitted when the sanctioned estimate is likely to be exceeded by more than 5% for any Cause.

Article 197:Lapse of sanction to estimates.

Article 203:Works executed by Agricultural officers as public work disbursers.

Article 204:Works executed out of Loans granted to local bodies.

Article 206:The payment of wages to daily labor engaged departmentally should not be differed till measurements are taken.

Article 208:Excise officer should consult the local public work officers about any work may involve engineering difficulties.

Article 209:Authorities competent to sanction miscellaneous expenditure.

Article 211(A)-1:Certain instructions should be observe by sanctioning authorities in the matter of according sanctions for grants-in aid ,contributions ,grants, to public bodies ,institutions etc.

Article 212:Scholorships and stipends.

Article 213:Discretionary grants by the Governors,Collectors.

Article 215:Compensation fro Loss of Property.

Article 221(i):Interest should be charged at the Rate prescribed by the Government for the class of loans concerned.

Article 222:Loans to Municipalities and to Zilla Parishads and other Local bodies.

Article 223:Advances to Cultivators.

Article 225:Miscellaneous loans and advances.

Article 226:The Govt may sanction the interest bearing advances to their servants in accordance with the rules mentioned. *Classes of Loans.

Article 227:Personal security bonds.

Article 230(a):Advances will be given to all the officer of the state Government including the A.I.S officers working in the state Government .

Article 231:Advances for the purchase of motor Cycles.

Article 232:Advances for the purchase of Conveyances other than motor cars and motor Cycles.

Article 233-A:Advances for purpose of construction of house(H.B.A).

Article 233-B:Advances for purchase of Horses and Saddlery.

Article 235:Advances for the purchase of type writers.

Article 238:*Advances to Govt. servants on transfer to and from foreign services.

*Advances to families of Govt. servants who die while in service.

Article 239:The transfer Travelling advances sanctions.

Article 239:An advance of pay and travelling allowances may be granted to Govt. servants for an advances on his transfer.

Article 240:Advances on return from leave or special duty out of India and on first appointment.

Article 241:Advances to patients sent for anti-rabic treatment.

Article 242:Advances to Government servant on transfer to and from foreign services.

Article 242-A:Advances to Government servants proceeding on deputation out of India.

Article 242-B:Festival advances.

Article 242-C:Advances to families of Government servants ,who dies while in service.

Article 244:Advances to junior I.A.S and I.P.S officers.

Article 247:Imprest for minor irrigation wotrks and works pertaining to rural water -supply Schemes.

Article 249:Advances to Contractors and Labours employed on works executed by the Revenue Department in the schedule area.

Article 257:Forest advances.

Article 259:The A.G will furnish the Government with annual statements of all outstanding loans to enable the Government to review the transactions.

Article260:powers of officers to write off irrecoverable loans & advances.

Article262-266:Classes of Civil deposits.

Article263:Trust interest Funds.

Article265:Unclaimed Provident Funds deposits.*

Article 267:The Treasury should not credited any amount under a deposit head with out the formal sanction of the Competent Authority.

Article 268:No transactions other than cash transactions may be accounted for in the deposit section of the Government account.

Article 273 r/w -5:Responsibilities for losses of public money.

Article278:Security deposits-Contractors.

Article281:Post office savings bank deposits.

Article 285:Post office savings bank pass book ,fidelity bonds ets,should be kept in safe custody.

Article286:A Security deposit taken from a Govt servant should be retained for at least six months from the date when he vacates his post.

Article 287:Govt servant furnished security transferred to another office –security should be retained in 1st office until period expires.

Article 289:Annual Valution of Govert Promisery notes.

Article 290:Repayment of security deposits.

Article 291:Repayment if cash deposits in the post office savings bank.

Article 293:Security deposite employer of a Government servant on foreign service.

Article 295:Losses with which the Reserve bank is concerned.

Article 296:Losses of cash due to the acceptance of counterfoiet coins.

Article 299:Loss of Occurs-Damages to immovable Govt. Property.

Article301:Departmental enquiries regarding frauds in which Government servants are involved.

Article302:Procecution of embezzlement of public property.

Article 304:Classification of Local funds as District funds,Panchayat funds,Municipal

funds,Education funds and Market committee funds etc.

Article306:Grants to Local and other bodies.

Article 307:Loans to Local bodies.

Article 308-309:Charges recoverable from local bodies.

Article 311:Time limits for claims by local bodies

Article 312:Arrears claims by local bodies.

Article 313:Rounding of Financial transactions between Government and Local bodies.

Article 315:Allocation of expenditure between capital and revenue and financing of capital expenditure.

Article 316:work done for another Government.

Article 317:Disposal of Govt ,land and buildings discussed.

Article 318:Endowment for Scholarships ,Prized etc.

Article 319:No Govt property should be insured at the cost of the government exceptional cases in which insurance is permitted

Article 320:Rounding off of Transactions in Govt .Accounts.

Article 323:Erasures.

Article 324:Supply of firms.

Article 325:Service books

Article326:Destruction of official records connected with accounts.

Article 327:Reports of deaths of European Government services

Article 328:Reports of deaths of pensioners.

Article 329:Delegation of unions Functions by consent of state.


A.P.F.C FORM-1:Demand statement of recoverable from pay bills.

A.P.F.C FORM- 2&3:Statement of Proposition for revision of Establishments.

A.P.F.C FORM- 4:Detailed statement if the permanent Establishment.

A.P.F.C FORM- 5:Statement of New name,Leave etc.

A.P.F.C FORM- 6:Form of bond of identity for drawing the pay and allowances due to deceased Government servant.

A.P.F.C FORM- 7:Register of Contingent charges.

A.P.F.C FORM- 8:Detailed counter signed Contingent bill.

A.P.F.C FORM- 9:Form of Tender and contract.

A.P.F.C FORM- 10:Stock Account of furniture and other office stores.

A.P.F.C FORM- 11:Form of personal security bond to be executed by an officiating or temporary Government ,Servant drwaing an advance along with a permanent Government servant as surely.

A.P.F.C FORM- 12:Form of application by a Government for an advance for the purchase of Motor Cycles orcars.

A.P.F.C FORM- 12-A:Form of application by a Government servant for the purchase of a horse and Saddlery.

A.P.F.C FORM- 13:Form of Agreement to be executed at the time if drawing an advance for the purchase of a Motor car/cycle.

A.P.F.C FORM- 13-A:Form of Agreement to be executed by a Rural Medical Practitioner at the time of drawing an advance for the purchase of a bicycle.

A.P.F.C FORM- 14:Form of Mortgage bond for a Motor car/cycle on account of which a Government, servant has drawn an advance.

A.P.F.C FORM- 15:Form of letter intimating to an Insurance company the A.P Government's interest in a Motor car/cycle.

A.P.F.C FORM- 16:Form of Agreement to be signed by a Government, Servant who draws a passage Advance.

A.P.F.C FORM- 17:Register of security bonds to be furnished by Government Servants.

A.P.F.C FORM- 18:Form Fidelity bond.

A.P.F.C FORM- 18-A:Form of Fidelity guarantee bond issued by the Indian Insurance Companies Association pool.

A.P.F.C FORM- 19:Model firms of security bonds to be furnished by Government, Servants.

A.P.F.C FORM- 20:Report of damage to immovable Government, Property to be sent to the Accountant General.

A.P.F.C FORM- 21:Report of Deaths of European Government,Servants and pensioners.

A.P.F.C FORM- 22:Forms of bill for drawing afvances if Travelling allowances on tour to Government, Servants.

A.P.F.C FORM- 23:Register showing the details of Advances of traveling allowances on tour paid to

Government, Servants and recoveries made in respect of the same.

A.P.F.C FORM- 24:Form of security bond to furnished by the drivers of cars,Lorries, Buses,vans and Jeeps.

A.P.F.C FORM- 25:Form of monthly returns to be forwarded by Drawing officer.

A.P.F.C FORM- 26:Forms of monthly return to be forwarded by the Controlling officers to the next superior Authority.

A.P.F.C FORM- 27:Firm of the Register of Permanent Advances.

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