Departmental Test For Gazetted officers Of the Education Department GOT (97) MATERIAL
1.New SSC schemes issued
in GO.M.S.No:63,dt:16-01-1969
2.Every student of SSC has
study 6 Subjects as per Rule VI ,SSC schemes.
3.SSC age limit discussed
under Subsidiary Rule 5.
4.Age limit required for
to appear SSC examinations Completion of 14 years by 31st August.
5.Permission Granting
authority for SSC to age exemption is DEO.
6.SSC age limit for private girl candidates is completion of 15 years on or before first month of public examinations.
7.Girls without school study should submit their application for SSC exam through Recognised schools.
8.SSC attendance Rules
were discussed in Subsiiary rule 15,GO.MS.N.o.794,dt:3-08-1977.
9.Attendance Required FOR Regular SSC students is 75% in number of school working days.
10.Exemption for
attendance(condonation) will be given by DEO-up to 5%(70%).
11.Exemption for
attendance(condonation) will be given by DSE-up to 5%(65%).
12.A case which requires
condonation beyond 10% ,they shall be refer to Government.
13.The HM will calculate
the attendance of the student While preparing the Nominal rolls.
14.At the time of preparing Nominal rolls attendance can be calculated by assuming pupil will attend up to 15th march.
15.If the student does not reach 75% at the time of preparation of Nominal rolls their names will not included in Nominal rolls.
16. If the student does not reach 75% at the time of preparation of Nominal rolls, then the student will be condoned by DEO or DSE.
17.For SSC number of
working days calculated as from reopening date to upto march15.
18.SSC board functions discussed
in Chapter IV , SSC schemes.
19.Number of SSC board
members are 26.
20.The nominated members
of SSC board are 14 (Rule –IV).
21.To get get SSC duplicate copy, candidate has to apply to Secretary, board of secondary education.
22.SSC duplicate copy
rules mentioned in Subsidiary rule 8 under SSC schemes.
23.SSC examination
fee(regulars) for all subjects is Rs.125 (from march 2006)
24.SSC examination
fee(regulars) up to 3 subjects is Rs.110
25.Examination fee for
private candidates, without school study is Rs.650
26.Special Fee for other
state /country candidates for SSC is Rs.500.
27.Fee for age exemption
for regular/private candidates for SSC is Rs.300
28.SSC vocational fee is
29.SSC late fee for 1st
week is Rs.10
30.SSC late fee for 2nd
week is Rs.40
31.SSC late fee for 3rd
,4th ,5th weeks is Rs.100.
32.SSC late fee for Tatkal
is Rs,500.
33.SSC recounting fee per
subject is Rs.150
34.Fee for
memo/age/migration is Rs.60.
35.Fee for issue of
Duplicate SSC is Rs.250
36.Fee for verification
certificate is Rs.75.
37.SSC due date for receipt of applications for march session exams without penal fee: 15th October.
38.SSC due date for receipt of applications for march session exams with penal fee: 11th November.
39.SSC certificate will be
issued by Board of Secondary Education.
40.As per SSC schemes the
academic year is divided in to 2 terms.
41.SSC compartment system
came into force w.e.f to November 1973.
42.Nominal rolls of the students sent by the school is the base record of the students with the board of secondary education.
43.An authentic certified
record of date of birth of a student is SSC certificate.
44.Second language paper
in SSC is Hindi.
45.SSC original
certificate contains Commissioner of SSC board facsimile signature.
46.Punishment period for malpractice (Debar) is 3 years or not allowed to next supplementary exams or debar for that exams.
47.SSC board members term
is 3 years.
48.Representatives from
junior colleges in SSC board are 6 (Rule-V).
49.The SSC board may cinstitute a separate committee on forming syllabus ,duration of the question papers.
50.The SSC board members
will meet at least once in a year.
51.The candidate who
appearing for SSC as a private study must belongs to A.P.
52.SSC private study
candidates must pass VII class.
53.SSC fraud cases such as
tempering ,erasing should be promptly reported to
commissioner of Government
of examinations.
54.SSLC means Secondary
School Leaving Certificate.
55.To change date of birth in SSC certificate candidate should proceede through the HM and Director of public instruction to Government.
56.To change the date of birth in SSC certificate ,requirements are An extract from Birth register or municipality, Declaration of father/mother/guardian, original SSC certificate and admission register copy of the school.
57. Marks required to pass
Hindi subject in SSC is 20 marks.
58.As per subsidiary rule
10,SSC schemes if the candidate was not claimed SSC for a
period of 2 years shall be
forwarded to DEO.
59.We can get SSC
duplicate when Accidental loss or destruction of original.
60.SSC (certificate) is
prepared under rule VII of the SSC scheme.
61.Present Assessment of
students performance system in SSC is Grading system.
62.Grading system in SSC
is implementing from March 2010(GO.RT.No:419, dt: 17-06-2011.
63.Mother’s name was
including in SSC certificate from March 2011.
64.Condone of shortage of
attendance of the pupil reason like sickness by HM-10%
65.Condone of shortage of
attendance of the pupil reason like sickness by DEO -5%,
66. Condone of shortage of attendance of the pupil reason like sickness by Government-15% above.
67.M.R.O will gives date
of birth certificate to private candidate for SSC.
68.The director of school
education will corrects and alternation of Date of Birth In SSC.
69.To get fee exemption from fee,The regular candidates belongs to SC/ST/BC’S parents income must be Rs.20000(Rural),
70.To get fee exemption from fee,The regular candidates belongs to SC/ST/BC’S parents income must be Rs.24000(Urban).
71.Competent Authorities for condonation of shortage of age for SSC appearing people DEO- 1 ½ years
72. Competent Authorities for condonation of shortage of age for SSC appearing people Commissioner for Government exams-1 ½ years to 2 years
73.Competent Authorities for condonation of shortage of age for SSC appearing people Government-above 2 years
74.OSSC means Open schools
Secondary Certificate.
75.SSC fee Head of
accounts Major Head-0202,
76.SSC fee Head of
accounts Minor Head-01
77.SSC fee Head of
accounts Sub head-102.
78.SSC public Examinations condonation of marks - Abolition of system orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.337,Edn.Dept.,DT:17.03.1976.
79.10th class public Examination rules ,Eligibility rules issued in Government orders G.O.Ms.No.63,Edn.Dept,DT:16.01.1969.
80.The integrated scheme of class VIII came into force from during the academic year 1966 - 67.
81.Hindi subject marks are excluded in the aggregate marks as per Government orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.626,Edn.dept,DT:9.7.1973.
82.Using the word Harijan
is SSC certificate restrained during the year 1982.
83.physically handicapped candidates exempted from the payment of SSC Examination fee from 1980.
84. Marks required to pass
Hindi subject in SSC is 20 marks.
means Andhra pradesh Open School Society.
of APOSS To reach out and To reach All.
aim of APOSS To reach out the Drop outs.
was established in 1991(1991-92)
of APOSS Open and distance Learning.
Revamping of Open school system
7.GO.Rt.No:96,dt:18/02/2011:Recognition of SSC (APOSS)is equivalent to SSC board of secondary Education from 2010-11 and exempting Fee from payment of Rs.500 for getting eligibility Certificate from Board of Intermediate.
SSC(APOSS) is equivalent to SSC board of Secondary Education.
of Open Intermediate Course in Open Schools.
10.GO.RT.No:723,dt:27/09/2008: The Government has authorized APOSS for conducting Open Basic Education and issue pass certificate.
(APOSS) course was started in 2008-09.
minimum age required for admission of SSC Completion of 14 years.
required for admission of SSC (APOSS) No qualification required.
pass in SSC a learner should study and pass at least 5 subjects.
course fee for male candidates for SSC(APOSS) Rs.1100.
for opting additional subjects in intermediate for male/woman candidates is
for changing subjects in intermediate for Male/Woman candidates Rs.150
18.As per Open Basic Education Courses to be provide at 3 levels and are equivalent to A level- III CLASS , B level- V CLASS , C level- VII CLASS , of Formal system.
Open Basic Education system A level – 4 subjects, B level – 5
subjects and C level – 6 subjects.
OBE level education is offered in Telugu and Urdu media.
SSC level education is offered in Telugu ,English and Urdu media.
admission or examination fee was collected in OBE.
respect of SSC APOSS will conduct Exams Twice a year.
24.As per the National institute of open schooling norms,the course curriculum in each subject will be planned for 100 hours.
many subjects can be choose a leaner in SSC 6 subjects.
course fee for SC/ST/BC woman /Minorities/ PH candidates for SSC(APOSS) is
course fee for male candidates for SSC(APOSS) is Rs.1000
additional subject / change of subject fee for Male /Female is Rs.150
per APOSS SSC must complete in not greater than 9 Exams attempts (5 years).
SSC scheme is intended for Formal Education.
transfer of credit is allowed up to 2 Subjects.
of APOSS to run inter classes Self finance.
course was started in APOSS in 2010-11
educational Service Rules
1.Exemption from passing Departmental
tests for First promotion who crossed. 45 years.
2. Exemption from passing Departmental
tests for second promotion who crossed 50 years.
3.The competent authority for
appointment of DEO is Government.
4.The competent authority for
appointment of High school HM or MEO is
5. 3.The competent authority for
appointment of School Assistants,SGT is DEO.
6.The minimum period of Appointment by
transfer to the post of Headmaster 3 years.
7.Joining time allowed for Direct Recruitment
as per,DT:26-01-2009 is 30 days.
8.Joining time allowed for Direct
promotion as per,DT:26-01-2009 is 15 days.
9.Reservation percentage for women in Direct recruitment is 33 1/3 %
10.APSSR means Andhrapradesh State Service
11.APSSSR means Andhraprasesh state
subordinate Service Rules.
12.APSESSR means Andhrapradesh School
Education subordinate service Rules.
13.Unit of Appointment for DSE,RJDE,DEO
is State
14. Unit of Appointment for DYEO is
15. Unit of Appointment for High school
HM or MEO is District.
16. Unit of Appointment for Government
High school HM is zonal.
17. Unit of Appointment for All school
Assistants ,Sgt's ,LP and PET is District.
18.Inspecting Authority for Mandal
parishad schools is MEO.
19.MEO has to work under the supervision
20.Mandal parishad school teachers
transfers from one school to another done by DEO
21.Inspecting Authority of Adult
Education centres at Mandal level is MEO.
22.A school teacher has to maintain.
Notes of lessons and Teacher diary.
23.Designation of Language Teachers is
Language pandits.
24.Preparation of Time table at school
level done by HM with consent of Teachers.
25.DSC notification issuing Authority is
Secretary to the Government Education Department.
26.Time scale means a scale of pay which
contains minimum and maximum scale of pay.
27.who will has Time scale The candidate
who got post in direct recruitment.
28.Reservation of Recruitment for Local
candidates is 80%
29.Reservation for recruitment for Non
local candidates is 20%.
reservations for women candidates in recruitment was given as per,DT:8-3-1996
31.Ap service rules are divided in to 2
32.Ap service rules are divided in two
Ap state service rules and Ap state subordinate service rules.
33.All Non- Gaztted posts comes under Ap
subordinate service Rules.
34.All Gazetted posts comes under Ap
state service rules.
35.The posts in various
classes,Categories and grades in a service is called as Cadre.
36.The appointment which has not been
regularised is called Officiating Appointment.
37.Probation means A fresh entrance to a
38.The percentage of earmarked for
direct recruitment is State services
is 33
1/3%, Subordinate services- 30%.
39.Compassionate Appointment to the
spouse of deceased employee the upper age limit shall be 45 years.
40.Minimum service required for
promotion is 3 years.
41.Minimum age for direct recruitment is
18 years.
42.Ap state service rules are classified
as per Rule 6 of 1963 GO.MS.No:1376,dt:28.11.1963
43.Ap state subordinate service rules are classified under Rule 7 of
44.Ap Educational services classified in
to Gazetted and Non-Gazetted officers.
45.Ap Educational services belongs to
Gazetted officers.
46.Ap Educational services rule are
framed through GO.MS.NO:505,DT:16.11.1998
47.All categories of Class-I,Class-II
are appointed by the Government.
48.All categories of Class-III are
appointed by DSE.
49.All categories of Class-IV are
appointed by RJDE.
50.Language pandit Grade -I 's new
designation is School Assistant.
51.Language teachers are categorised as
Language pandit.
52.Physical director grade II new
designation is School Assistant.
53.APSESS rules for Teachers in MPP and
ZPP schools as per GO.MS.No: 12,DT:23.1.2009.
54. School teachers weekly work load
fixed as 30 classes.
55.Procedure for Teachers Recruitment is
Through the District selection committee.
56.Language Teachers comes under
Language pandits category.
56.At secondary school ,games and sports
dealed by PET.
57.Minimum Teaching experience required
to become Headmaster secondary school is 7 years.
58.Students drop outs prevented by
monitoring regular study progress of the student.
59.The remedy to avoid corporal
punishment is counselling the students for their future.
60.percentage of reservation made for
back ward classes in Teachers recruitment 25%.
61.Mode of selection of teachers through
District selection committee By conducting competitive examination.
62.Teachers recruitment notification will
issued by Director of school Education.
63.Universalization of secondary
Education program announced by prime minister on 18.08.2010
64.No of model schools started in India
by Go.MS .No.254,DT:3.12.2011
65.No.of model schools started in AP as
per GO.Ms.No:254,DT:3.12.2011 is 355.
66.SERP means Society for elimination of
Rural poverty.
67.Powers to release or
special rules in favour if any person or class of person vest with Governor.
68.Higher grade teachers comes under
Class E of category IV .
69.Number of model schools running in
the Residual Andhra Pradesh state 163.
70. The first model school in the state was opened at Thegada in Kasimkota mandal in Visakhapatnam on 22 June 2013..
71.The Right to Information Act 2005
extended to whole India Except Jammu and Kashmir.
72.Define S.C's with reference to State
and subordinate service Rules Screening committee.
73.Define A.P with reference to State
and subordinate service rules Approved Probation.
74. D.P.C means Departmental promotion
76.In the Third cycle of 100 point Roster number of points shall be reserved for women belonging to BC-C category Roster point is 14.
77.APVC Means Andhra Pradesh Vigilance
78.Minimum service for commencement of probation continuously on duty Not less than 60 days from the date of joining.
79.The post of principal,IASAE in
Education comes under Category 3 of Class I
80.The post of Principal of DIET comes
under category III of class II.
81.Qualification of the teacher who
teaches 1to 5th As per NCTE norms is Inter with
82.Duties of Inspecting officers in relation to the scheme for the award of secondary school learning certificate issued under chapter XVII of the A.P Education code.
83.Number of Registers has to maintained
by inspecting officers as per chapter XII of AP Education code is 57.
84.duties of inspecting officers in
relation to Scheme for award of Secondary School Learning certificate under
Chapter XVII.
The service shall consist of the following posts
Class I
Category 1
a) School Assistants
b) Supervisors in Sciences
C) School Guidance
d) Office in charge of English Language Teaching Centre
e) Staff tutor in English Language Teaching Centre
Category 2 Language Pandits Gr.I
Category 3 Physical Directors
Grade II
Category 4 H.M. of Primary
School ,
Class II Artist in SCERT
Class III
Categort 1 Junior Deputy
Inspectors of Schools
Category 2 Secondary Grade
Category 3 Language Pandits
Category 4 Vyakarna Pandits
Category 5 Shahitya Pandits
Category 6 Yajurveda Pandits
Category 7 Samaveda Pandits
Category 8 Jyothisha Pandits
Category 9 Physical Education
Category 10 Physical Education
Teachers (NFC)
Category 11 Specialist Teachers
Category 12 Elementary Grade
Class IV
Category 1 Librarian in SCERT
Category 2 Librarian in High
Class V
Category 1
Category 2 Book Bearer
Class Category Designation Method of
Appointing appointment authority
Class I Category I a) School
i) Direct DEO. Assistants recruitment
ii) By promotion from categories I to II of CLASS III.
iii) Recruitment by transfer from Junior Assistants and equivalent cadres of APMS under the control of director of School Education
b) Supervisors By Transfer JDSE in Science from Ct. 1.a of (SCERT) Class. I.
c) School By Transfer JDSE Guidance from Ct. 1.a of Counselors Class. I. (SCERT)
d) Officer in- By Transfer JDSE charge of from Ct. 1.a ofEnglish Class. I. Language Teaching Centre
e) Staff tutor in By Transfer JDSE English from Ct. 1.a of Language Class. I. Teaching Centre
2.Language i) Direct DEO
Pandits Gr. I recruitmentà°« ii) By promotion from Class II, Categories I to II of Class III.
3. Physical By promotion DEO Directors Grade from II Categories 9 &10 of Class III
4. H.M. of By promotion DEO Primary School from Category 2 of Class III.
Class II Category 1 1. Artist in By recruitment JDSE SCERT
Class III Category
1 Junior Deputy No future Inspectors of recruitment DEO School Category
2 Secondary Grade DEO Teachers Recruitment Category
3 Language i) By direct Pandits Gr. II Recruitment DEO (Telugu, Hindi & Urdu etc.)à°« Category
4 Vyakarana ii) By transferPandits from other DEO categories of
Class III
Category 5 Shahitya Pandits ii) By transfer from other DEO categories of
Class III
Category 6 Yaurveda ii) By transfer Pandits from other DEO categories of
Class III
Category 7 Samaveda ii) By transfer Pandits from other DEO categories of
Class III
Category 8 Jyothisha Pandits ii) By transfer from other DEO categories of
Class III
Category 9 Physical ii) By transfer Education from other DE0 Teachers categories of
Class III
Category 10 Physical ii) By transfer Education from other Teachers (NFC) categories of
Class III
Category 11 Specialist ii) By transfer DEO Teachers from other categories of
Class III
a) Art Teachers
b) Drawing Teachers
c) Music Teachers
d) Danceà°« Teachers
e) Yogasana
Category 12 Elementary No
Grade Teacher Recruitment
Class IV Category 1 Librarian in By promotion
SCERT from Category
2 of Class IV
Category2 Librarian in High Direct DEOà°« Schools Recruitment
Class V Category 1 Film Operators i) By promotion JDSE including Film from Attenders Examiner in the Education Dept.
ii) Direct
Class Category Designation Method of appointment
1 Category 1 a) School Assistants District
b) Supervisors in Science (SCERT)State
c) School Guidance Counselors (SCERTState
d) Officer in-charge of EnglishLanguage Zone Teaching Centre
e) Staff tutor in EnglishLanguage Zone Teaching Centre
Language Pandits Gr. I (Telugu, Hindi District and Urdu etc.)
Category 3 Physical Directors Grade.II District
Category 4 H.M. of Primary schoolDistrict
II Category 1 Artist in SCERT State
Class III Category 1 Junior Deputy Inspectorsof Schools Diustrict
Category 2 Secondary Grade Teachers District
Category 3 Language Pandits G.II (Telugu, Hindi & District Urdu etc.)
Category 4 Vyakarana Pandits District
Category 5 District Shahitya Pandits
Category 6 DistrictYajurvada Pandits
Category 7 District Samaveda Pandits
Category 8 District Jyothisha Pandits
Category 9 District Physical Education Teachers
Category 10 District Physical Education Teachers (NFC)
Category 11 District Specialist Teachers
a) Art teachersDistrict
b) Drawing Teachers District
c) District Elementary Grade Teacher District
Class IV Category 1 Librarian in SCERT State
Class V Category 1 Film Operator including Film Examiner State Category 2 Book Bearer State
AP PanchayatRaj Act 1994:
1.The authority maintains & expands the basic schools
in Rural areas MandalaprajaParishad
2.The authority establish youth organizations and
Mahilamandals in Rural areas is MandalaPrajaParishad
3.The child welfare is looked off by Women and child welfare wing.
4.Villages and GramaPanchayats are established as per Panchayat Raj Act 1994 (sec 2(17))
5.If A Chairperson resigns then Z.P.P meeting will be
presided by The vice-chairperson (sec
6.Main sources of income of Z.P.P is Central & state funds.(sec 198,A.P.P.R
7.Budget of Z.P.P was submitted by C.E.O through chairperson (sec 198,A.P.P.R
8.Authority for preparation of Electoral rolls of Z.P.P
State Election Commission(sec 200,A.P.P.R 1994).
9.Government Finance commission was constituted by Governor(sec 235,A.P.P.R Act-94).
10.Surpunch and UpaSurpunch were removed from M.P.P by
The District Collector (se 250,A.P.P.R Act-1994).
11.Procedure of no-confidence motion on chairperson Voting Procedure.(sec 245,A.P.P.R Act-1994).
12.PrajaParishads can be dissolved by Government of the
state on the report of District
13.Status of chairperson of Z.P.P was as per sec 146,Act 2
0f 1964 is Deemed to a Public servant.
14.The Authority assigns duty as EX-officio at Z.P.P
meeting The District Collector.
15.Panchayat Raj schools were inspected by Mandal Educational Officer.
16.The authority to conduct transfers in the Mandal level
schools D.E.O.
17.Powers and functions of MandalPrajaParishads were in Act 31 ,sec 22 of 1986.
18.Powers and functions of president of M.P.P were in Act 41 of 2006 ,sec 165.
19.M.D.O functions comes under sec167.
20.Resignation of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson was in
under Act 22 of 2002 &Se 50 of
Act 31 of 1986.
21.Appoiniting authority of C.E.O of Z.P.P is Government of A.P.
22.Powers and functions of Z.P.P assigned as per Z.P.P Act 41 of 2006.
23.Power and functions of Z.P.P Chairperson are assigned
under Sec 193 of A.P.P.R Act 1994
24.Chief Executive officer of M.P.P was Development officer of M.P.P(M.P.D.O) As per Act
41 of 2006.
Category 2
Librarian in Secondary
Schools District
25.Cheif Executive authority of Z.P.P is C.E.O of Z.P.P(sec 186).
26.President of M.P.P will have the administrative control
as per Act 41 of 2006,dt:26-9-2006.
27.No confidence motion on Chairperson of Z.P.P bysec 51 0f Act 2 of 1964.
2 8.Z.P.P chairperson status assigned with the rule sec 146 of Act 2 of 1964.
29.Ex-Officio of Z.P.P meeting is The District collector (sec 43(3)(vi))
30.Z.P.P’s are constituted under sec 177 of A.P.P.R Act 1994.
31.Ex-officio member of GramaPanchayat is Surpunch.
32.Procedure of Election of UpasurpunchElected among the elected members of Gramapanchayat.
33.Gramapanchayat’s can promote School education under subsection iii of rule-46 of Act 13 0f 1994.
34.Rules relating to Educational institutions under A.P
PanchayatSamithi’s and Zillaparishad Act 1959 issued in
G.O.M.S. NO.1109,dt:26-10-1965.
35.Collection of receipts shall be signed stamps as per AP
Panchayatsamithi’s and Z.P act 1959
Principle or Headmaster.
36.School fee shall be collected fee by means of printed
bill as per G.O.MS.NO 1109,Dt:26-10-1965.
37.Who will prepare every secondary or sessional
vocational industrial salary , Travelling allowances and
contingent billsAs per Z.P Act 1959 Headmaster of the school.
38.The headmaster shall maintain an account in the Local
bank under the designation of The Headmaster.
39. Under the A.P M.P.P and Z.P Teachers (Regulation of
transfers Rule 1995 the Inter District Transfers shall
be done by Government in consultation with the ___
concerned. CEO [ rule 3]
40. The Head Master shall maintain account in the local
Post Office Saving Banks Rule
41. The section under which voter identity cards Specified
in 202(B) of APPR Act 1994.
42. Procedure to follow fresh poll in case of destruction
etc a ballot boxes specified
225-C of APPR Act 1994.
43. Function of Gram Sabha Specified in section – 242-C specified provision to panchayat.
44. Function of Gram Sabha Specified in Section – 225-A of APPR Act 1994.
45. Liquor not be sold or distributed on poling day as per
section of APPR Act 1994. –
225-A of APPR Act 1994.
46. Allowances for attending meeting of a Z.P or a
Standing Committee specified in
Sec 196 of APPR Act 1994.
47. Term of office of a member of a ZillaParishad Term of
Office of member of ZillaParishad – 5 years
48. Powers &Funcions of chair person & vice chair
person of the ZillParishad Specified in
Sec -193 of A.P.P.R-94.
49. Who constitutes finance Commission under A.P.P.R Act
13/94 – Sec-235 A.P Panchayat.
50. State the section under which Governor Constitutes
finance Commission under APPR Act of 1994
Sec 235
51. Motion of no confidence ON UpaSurpanch,
President/Chairperson Specified in
Sec-245 of APPPR Act 1994.
52. Power and functions of GramaPanchayath’s and
MandalParishad in section of APPPR Act of 1994.
sec 242 of APPPR Act 1994
53. The AP Panchayat Raj (Election of UpaSurpanch) of a
Gram panchayat came into existence in year 2006.
54. Powers and functions of the Andhra Pradesh Election
Commissioner for local bodies specified in Section
201 of APPR Act 1994.
55. Corrupt practices specified under section 210 of APPR Act 1994.
56. Penalty for illegal hiring or procuring convenience at
elections specified under
Section 212 of APPR Act 1994.
57. Composition of MandalParishad Consists of members
specified under section 149 of APPR Act 1994.
58. Who is competent to collect games fees in secondary
school under PS and ZP educational institutional
rules of 1995 – Head Master of the School, Rule 16.
59. Taxes leviable by the Gram Panchayat under section Section 60 of APPR 1994.
60. Gram panchayat shall constitute a fund called the Gram
Panchayat fund Quote the rule –
Section 74 of APPR Act 1994.
61. Powers exercisable by gram panchayat in respect of
private markets specified under
Section 108 of APPR-94.
62. For every ZillParishad there shall be One chairperson. [sec-181]
63. Term of a member of ZillaParishad as per Section 182
APPR Act 1994 is 5 years Sec1-182.
64. Appointment of (chief executive Authority) and his
powers and function defined in
Sec 186 of APPR-1994.
65. Chief Executive Authority for every ZillaParishad
shall be appointed and transferred by_ as per APPR Act
1994. Government
Sec 186(1) and Sec 186 (2).
66. The number of permanent invitees to the meetings of
ZillaParishad is 05.[sec 188]
67. Allowances for attending meeting of a ZillaParishad or
a Standing Committee specified in
Sec 196 of APPR Act 1994.
Pradesh Civil Services(CCA) Rules-1991
*AP CCA Rules -1991
were issued by G.O.Ms.No.487, Dt:14-9-1992.
Rules means Classification, Control and Appeal Rules.
2(a): Appointing authority in relation to a Government servant means.
2(b):Commission' means the Andhra Pradesh Public ServiceCommission.
2(c):'Disciplinary Authority' means the authority competent under these
Rules to impose on a
Government Servant any of the penalties.
2(d):'Government' means the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
:CCA rules applicable to every government servant and Expections
3(a):CCA Rules not applicable to persons in casual employment.
3(d): CCA Rules not applicable to members of All Indian Services.
5: Classification of Services.
6: Constitution of State Services.
7: Constitution of Subordinate Services.
8(1):Member of a Service may be placed under suspension from service.
8(1)(d):Government Servant may be placed under suspension from Service
even if the
offence for which he
was charged does not have bearing on the discharge of his official
O. Ms. No. 27, Dt. 24-1-2002.)
9:Minor and Major penalities.
9(i) : Censure;
9 (ii): Withholding of promotion;
9 (iii):Deleted vide G.O.Ms.No. 335,dt: 4.8.2005.
9 (iv): withholding of increments of pay without cumulative effect (G. O.
Ms. No. 205,
dt. 5-6-98);
9 (v) (a): suspension Period as a Punishment.
9 (v) (b): Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay (G.O. Ms. No.
373, dt:
9 (vi) to (x):Major penalities
9 (vi): withholding of increments of pay with cumulative effect
(G.O.Ms.No. 205,dt. 5-6-98);
9 (vii):Reduction to lower grade (G.O. Ms. No. 373, dt: 6.12.2003)
9 (viii): compulsory retirement;
9 (ix):Removal from service.
9 (x):Dismissal from service .
10:Other penalties.
10 (i) fine, on a member of the Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service.
10 (ii) suspension for a period not exceeding fifteen days.
11:Disciplinary Authorities in respect of State Services.
11(1):The High Court of Andhra Pradesh may impose on members of the
Andhra Pradesh State
Judicial Service
11 (ii): The District Collector may impose Penalties on MRO’s.
11(4): Director of Treasuries& Accounts may impose on the Accounts
*Rule 12:Government's
power to impose penalties on members of State Services.
*Rule 13:Authorities
competent to suspend members of State Service.
*Rule 14:
Authorities competent to suspend, in respect of Subordinate
*Rule 17:Special
Provision in respect of Police Officials employed in Anti- Corruption Bureau,
and Enforcement Department
and Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta.
*Rule 18:Lower
authority not to reopen case: higher authority can exercise power.
*Rule 19:Authority
to Institute proceedings.
*Rule 20:Procedure
for imposing ajor penalties(Earlier position).
*Rule 22.
Procedure for imposing minor penalties.
*Rule 23:Communication
of Orders/Report of Disciplinary officer orders.
*Rule 24:Common
Proceedings/Common enquiry(joint) on 2 or more employees.
*Rule 25:Special
procedure in certain cases.
*Rule 26:Waiver of
Procedure in certain cases.
*Rule 27:Action on
report of Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta.
*Rule 30:Provisions
regarding officers lent to Government of India.
*Rule 31:Provisions
regarding officers borrowed from Government of India.
*Rule 32
to 41:Appeals and Review petitions.
*Rule 32:Appeals
and Reviews to Superior officers.
*Rule 33:Appeals
against Lower authorities.
*Rule 34:Appeal
for justice to the Governor.
*Rule 35:
Period of limitation for appeals.(Appeal within the period of 3
36(1):Every person preferring an appeal shall do so separately & in
his own name.
*Rule 37:
Consideration of appeal(Appeal and clearance).
RULES 1963
1.The Andhra Pradesh Civil
service(CCA) rules 1963 are issued in G.O.Ms.No:1376,GAD,dt:28.11.63
2.The AP Civil service
rules 1963 are classified into Two categories
3.Service means A civil
service of the state.
4.Rules of penalties does
not apply to A casual employee
5.On which ground a
government employee is placed under suspension when disciplinary proceedings
pending against him.
5.Types of suspensions are
4 types
6.The Authority which can
impose penalties on the Government servant is Disciplinary Authority.
7.Date of Effect of
suspension effect from the date on which it receipt to employee.
8.Grounds for imposing punishment on the Government
Servant Violation of Duty and Rules.
9.Joint director of School Education is competent
Authority to suspend MEO and HM (Rule 15 of CCA).
10.DEO is the competent Authority to suspend Sgt’s and School Assistants.
11.Penalties will be imposed after the completion enquiry
by the Authority as per Rule
20,21 of CCA.
12.Time period for enquiry officer to submit his enquiry
report for simple cases within
3 months .
13.Time period for enquiry officer to submit his enquiry
report for complicated cases within 6
14.The time period limit for appeal within a period of 3 months.
15.Period of time is allowed to file a review petition within a period of 1 year.
16.Two party statement to submitted by every Government
servant Once in a year.
17.Suspended servant is eligible for Any kind of Leave.
18.Appointing authority will also act as suspending Authority.
19.An employee is kept in police custody up to 48 hours suspended from duty.
1(2):APCS applicability and not applicability.
1(V):Family members.
3(a):No relation with Antisocial elements.
3(b):Behaviour of a Government Employee.
3(c):Sexual Harashment on Government women employee.
4:Ban on participation in strikes.
5:Ban on demonstration against with the Government.
6:Taking Gifts.
7:Ban on collection of contributions.
8: Lend and barrows.
9: Movable and immovable returns(Properties).
10:Private trade,Business,Investment and insurance agent and commission agent.
11: Grown of banks and Registered company.
12:Private employement to Government employee prevented.
13: Prior permission from Government to publish books.
14:Leaks of documents and official matters.
15:Prevention from editing agent in news papers.
16:Ban on essays to periodicals.
of criticism on policies of state and central Governments.
18:servant is allowed to give witness before Government committees ,Teams.
19: Employees are banned to associate with political parties.
20: Proceed to court with Government permission or report to superior officers
on injustice him.
21:Report to higher officials abou his close relatives working in his office as
22:prior permission to work at private offices by his family members.
23:Don't take self enquiry on petitions against him.
24:Don't use pressure on authorities concern to get promotion or transfers.
25: Prevention of second marriage if spouse is alive.
25(A):Government employees are prevented to give or take dowry.
26:Ban on intoxicating drinks and drugs.
1. RMSA means Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan.
2. RMSA aims and objectives Admit, Access , Retain and Quality.
3. RMSA aims for retention 100% goal by 2020.
4. Number of schools sanctioned under RMSA in first phase-1656
5. RMSA budget for each school for Minor repairs Rs. 25,000.
6. RMSA budget for library books, Magazines and News
papers Rs. 10,000.
7. RMSA budget for each school for Science Lab is Rs. 25,000.
8. RMSA budget for each school for Electricity and
Electricity charges –Rs. 15,000.
9. The Accounts of RMSA schools will audited by Local fund audit (authority).
10. Share of funding for RMSA scheme by Central Government
is 75%.
11. Share of funding for RMSA scheme by State Government
is 25%.
12. Under Necessary conditions RMSA provides Physical facilities.
13. RMSA aims to establish a secondary school with in the
radius of 5Km.
14. RMSA scheme was launched on March-2009.
15. Implementation of RMSA scheme was Launched from 2009-10 Academic year.
16. RMSA covers the age group of 15-16 Years.
17. RMSA scheme was applicable to Secondary schools.
18. RMSA Aims to achieve Universal access to secondary
level education by the end of 2017.
Model Schools
1. Medium available in AP model schools is English medium.
2. Education provided in Model schools from VI to X.
3. The Model School scheme aims to provide quality education to
talented rural children.
4. Number of Model
schools were sanctioned in first phase 355.
5. Model schools will
be sanctioned to educationally backward districts.
6. The first model
school in the state was opened in Visakhapatnam district on 22 June 2013.
7. Model schools Will
be sanctioned at the rate of one school per block.
8. Government
intended to start….schools in the second phase across the AP. 400.
9. Number of model
schools were running at present in Residual Andhra Pradesh is 163.
10.Model schools were
started from 2012-13
1. RUSA means Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha
2. RUSA is Sponsored
by Central Government.
3. The Scheme RUSA
was started in 2013.
4. RUSA scheme
applicable to only Higher education.
5. Share of funds for
the implementation of RUSA by Central and general State Governments is 65:35.
6. Share of funds for
the implementation of RUSA by Central and Special State Governments is 90:10
7. RUSA would create
new universities through up gradation of existing autonomous colleges.
8. RUSA is
implemented and monitored through National Mission Authority, Project
Approval Board
the National Project Directorate at the central level.
9. RUSA is
implemented at state level by State Higher Education Council and State
Project Directorate.
10. RUSA Ensure
reforms in the affiliation, academic and examination systems.
1. SSA means Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
2. SSA objective is to propagate education for all.
3. New nomenclature of SSA in Andhra Pradesh is RVM (SSA).
4. RVM (SSA) is headed by State Project Director (SPD).
5. The officer in-charge of RVM scheme in the district
level is Project Officer (PO).
6. RVM (SSA) funds were audited by Local fund Audit (by charted Accounts).
7. SSA has been operational since 2000-2001.
8. Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan (SSA) is a programme for Universal Elementary Education.
9. The first Aim of
SSA is To provide elementary education for all children in the 6-14 age group
by 2010.
10. As per objective
of SSA Universal retention by 2010.
RTE ACT-2009
1. Number of chapters in RTE-2009 is 7
2. Number of sections in RTE-2009 is 38
3. RTE Act enacted in the parliament of India on 4 .8. 2009.
4. The RTE Act -2009 received the assent of the president
on 26.8.2009.
5. RTE act come in force in India except Jammu and Kashmir
From 26.8.2009
6. RTE act come in force in AP From 1.4.2010
7. Article which tells the importance of free and
compulsory education for 6-14 years in India Article 21A
8. NAC means National Advisory Council.
9. Number of Members in High level committee set up by
MHRD for implementation of RTE - 14 members
10. RTE 2009 was not applicable to - Jammu& Kashmir.
11. Duties of Appropriate Government, Local Authority and
Parents were in chapter III
12. Chairman of state Advisory Council for RTE is Minister of primary Education.
13. The Teacher Pupil Ratio as per RTE-2009 is 1:30
14. As per RTE-2009 compulsory and free Education to the
Age group of 6 to 14 years.
15. As per RTE syllabus of a state Education decided by SCERT
16. As per RTE-2009 , the District level Reedressel
committee chairman is -District
17. SMC chairman - Village Surpunch, Vice chairman – one of the parent from SMC
18. SMC convenor -Headmaster
19. To implement RTE -2009 funds will be allotted by state and Central Government.
20. The Section which prohibits deployment of teachers for non-educational
purposes, other than
Population census, disaster relief or elections duties Sec 27 of chapter IV
21. As per RTE -2009 primary Education - I to VIII .
22. The Duties of Teachers were defined under ... section 24(1) of chapter IV
23. The Norms and Standards of the School defined under sec 19 & 25 of Chapter IV
24. Prohibition of physical punishment and mental
harassment to children under Sec 17 of Chapter IV.
25. No capitation fee and screening procedure for
admission Under Sec 13
26. As per RTE-2009 Disadvantage group means SC,ST and
Educationally ,socially backward classes.
27. Duties of Appropriate government and local authorities
defined under Sec 8 & Sec9 of chapter
28. The RTE Act-2009 Promulgated under Act 35/2009
29. The RTE Act-2009 Prohibited the Screening tests for admission and collection of
capitation Fee.
30. Punishment for the deviation of RTE Act -2009 Rs 25,000 (first time)
31. Punishment for the every subsequent deviation of RTE
Act -2009 Rs 50,000
32. Allotment Ratio of funds by Central and State
Governments for the implementation of RTE is 65:35
33. Allotment Ratio of funds by Central and States for the
implementation of RTE in case of States of North
East Region, is 90:10
34. All Govt schools shall provide free &compulsory
education to all children under Sec 12(a) of chapter IV.
35. Private unaided institutions shall provide free
education to at least 25% children belonging to
disadvantaged groups and weaker sections admitted in
Primary - Sec 12(c) of chapter IV.
36. Any School cannot be denied admission of children by
the absence of Age proof Sec
14 of chapter IV
37. The Section which prohibits schools from denial of admission to a child,
irrespective of the time in the
academic year in which admission is sought Sec 15 of chapter IV
38. The Section which stipulates that no private school should be established or
can function without
Obtaining a Certificate of Recognition Sec 18 of chapter IV
39. The Section which provides for constitution and functions of a SMC sec 21 of chapter IV.
40. As per which Section vacancies in schools should not exceed 10% of School Sec 26 of Chapter IV.
41. Protection of Right of Children Under chapter VI
42. The Section which prohibits private tuition by teachers Sec 28 of chapter IV
43. The Section provides curriculum & evaluation
procedure in elementary schools Sec 29 of chapter V
44. As per sec 6 of chapter III Distance of accessibility
of the school for children in classes I –V is 1 km
45. As per sec 6 of chapter III Distance of accessibility
of the school for children in classes VI –VIII is 3 km.
46. As per which section the children can transfer from
one school to any other school Sec 5 of chapter II
47. Financial & other responsibilities of the Central
Govt and the States under Sec
7(1) of chapter III
48. The teachers can be deployed for decennial population census, disaster relief
duties or elections
49. Chapter –IV deals with Responsibilities of Schools and Teachers.
50. National policies of educations in India were made in 1985 & 1992.
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